Connect top entrepreneurs with world-class opportunities
Join our network of dedicated intermediaries and support entrepreneurs and High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) in thriving and seizing extraordinary opportunities in a changing global environment.
We are expanding our network and looking for dedicated intermediaries and consultants to help us assist even more entrepreneurs and High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWI) with our tailored services.
Our mission is to promote and strengthen the economic locations of business-friendly states on their behalf.
Your Role:
Market Development: You proactively identify entrepreneurs interested in exploring and utilizing privileged locations within the EU. Your goal is to guide these prospects to an official inquiry with us.
Networking: You specifically target entrepreneurs interested in expanding their trade activities or establishing trade and service relationships through the appointment as honorary consuls.
Our Commitment:
Professional Expertise: As highly qualified consultants, we prepare the requirements and concerns of entrepreneurs to adequately present them to decision-makers in ministries and authorities. As coordinators, we accompany these processes, including the integration of professional service providers, until the successful commencement of operations.
Diplomatic Support: With our expertise in diplomatic and consular law, we support promising applications for the appointment as honorary consuls and provide expert assistance to candidates throughout the entire process.
Collaboration Model:
As our partner, you benefit from an attractive success-based remuneration that supports the confidential endeavors of entrepreneurs within your sphere of influence. We guarantee a secure and transparent process through a NCNDA (Non-Circumvention Non-Disclosure Agreement) and the payout of your success fees via an escrow procedure.
If you want to be part of a promising and lucrative market and share the vision of helping entrepreneurs and HNWI achieve sustainable success, we warmly invite you to get in touch with us. Together, we can achieve great things.